Thursday, 18 June 2015

The secrets to dressing well

colorful dressing with fashion weel
Hey beautiful people,hope uve all had an amazing week so today i,ll be sharing with you all the secrets to dressing well*winks*hope you all learn a thing or two from it.enjoy people 

Part I: Color Combinations
So, you have been told that dressing well is an art. Style is in born, instinctive and not everybody can get it right. But is it really true or just a way to say that I won’t let the secret out? Or maybe people who dress well just do not know how to pin point the rules that they follow?

Friday, 12 June 2015

Makeup does and dont´s

Makeup tips - nigerian fashion blog
Copyright - Manu Camargo
Hello beautiful people, hope your all doing great today? so today imma give u all something to go through this weekend and be all perfect on monday morning ladies so here it is some very important makeup does and dont's we ladies should all know of so ladies yes that's what i'll be sharing with all you beautiful ladies today enjoy! Makeup tips fill the pages of fashion magazines, beauty blogs, and YouTube videos galore.

Although well-intentioned, most of this so-called "advice" is confusing, contradictory, completely impractical, or unnecessarily complicated. Rather than leaving you to sort through all of those tips on your own,we've compiled a list of the ultimate makeup DOs and DON'Ts. Follow these tips and no matter what your skill level, you can achieve a gorgeous look without wasting your money or harming your skin! Now that's what we call beautiful! So here it is ladies hope u all can get a thing or two from it.*winks*

Makeup DOs

Monday, 8 June 2015

Brilliant fashion thoughts - COCO CHANEL

Ouote for today, Food for thought! Indulge yourself people!
"Every day is a FASHION SHOW and the world is the RUNWAY" by COCO CHANEL

Style - Perfect shape of eyebrows (Part 1 - Tweezing)

beautyful eyes

Hello beautiful people,

today i´ll be giving you all tips on how to wear the perfect eye pencil and also this is to that beautiful lady who asked 4 tips on wearing the perfect eye pencil, hope this helps you out and tips on how to cut your brows. To all those who also need tips on how to wear the perfect eye pencil and cutting your brows perfectly. So here it is beautiful ladies. First of all we all need to know that  Discovering the best shape for your eyebrows without sacrificing their natural appearance is what you want to accomplish when shaping your brows. Pencil thin or overly bushy eyebrows are dated looks that can be distracting rather than very nice.